Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Blog

Hello my lovelies,

Yes you're on the right page. I've started a new blog having decided to bury my old one and begin anew. Why you may ask? Well there are a few reasons: Firstly, I feel that my old blog is no longer representative of who I am. It was a blog following the life of a university student entering adulthood and the trials and tribulations that came with it (i.e. what to wear to my convocation, whether to do a graduate degree or not, etc.). As one may have noticed over the past year and a half, I am no longer entering adulthood; rather, I feel like I am now fully immersed into it. I have a full-time career - not a job, a career. I have new responsibilities and I can no longer live thinking solely about today but must now consistently consider tomorrow.

I hope you continue to follow me on the journey that is called life (wow I sound so cliché). Please also remember that I am not exactly an open book, I believe certain things must be kept off of cyberspace. However, I will continue to blog about my experiences and will write an upcoming post on how I found my job (can't believe it's been 18 months already) and where I see myself going professionally. I will also continue to blog about my weight loss and love affair with books, makeup and food (the Bain of my existence).

So long for now,

Andrea xoxo
